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Data Security FAQs

Learn more about data privacy & security practices at Happy Cabbage Analytics.

Does HCA sell client data to third parties?


What information does HCA utilize?

We utilize data related to customers, orders, and product inventory made available to HCA within the point-of-sales (POS) system. 

How is this information transmitted to HCA?

Data is transferred to HCA via API connections into the retailer’s POS system.

How does HCA ensure this data is handled in a secure manner?

HCA maintains a policy of storing and encrypting all sensitive customer data on a non-networked server. Additionally, no individually identifiable customer data is stored via third-party cloud infrastructure. 

HCA adopts the highest standards of data security in accordance with the standards defined by the Patient Safety Organization (PSO), which are the same data security standards used across the healthcare industry.

How does HCA handle CCPA requests? What is the process?

HCA is CCPA compliant. Any CCPA requests can be sent into support@happycabbage.io. From there we delete the customer record from our database. We also advise our clients to remove the record from their point-of-sale systems.

The specific details of HCA data utilization can vary based on the POS system itself, and you can contact data@happycabbage.io to learn more about specific POS systems.