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How to Duplicate a Campaign Audience

Learn how to send a new message to a custom audience from a previously sent campaign.

To recreate a custom campaign audience segment, go to ‘See Campaigns’ in Happy Marketers and select the Campaign ID of the audience you'd like to recreate.

Duplicate the campaign audience by selecting the blue ‘Duplicate audience’ button on the upper right hand corner of the 'Campaign Details' tab.

Duplicating the audience will only copy the audience segment, not the content of the message. Write a new message to this recreated audience, then schedule and send your campaign!

duplicate audience

To note: 

  • Only the audience will be duplicated, not the content or image from the original campaign
  • You can only duplicate custom audiences from Advanced Targeting or Saved Opportunities, not Key Opportunities 
    • To retarget a Key Opportunity, please use the ‘View Opportunities’ tab