❓Happy Buyers FAQs

Find answers to commonly asked questions about Happy Buyers.

How do I login to Happy Buyers?

Go to restock.happycabbage.ai to login to your account

Units Per Day 

  • How is Units Per Day calculated?
    • The Happy Buyers run rate algorithm, which determines the average number of Units Per Day sold for a specific SKU, is constantly evolving to become more accurate. The primary factors it takes into account are:
      • Sales of the SKU during the selected Lookback Period
      • Days in which the unit was in stock and able to be sold
  • Why would the Units Per Day sold in Happy Buyers be different from the number in my POS system?
    • The inventory reports in POS systems and Analytics tools run basic calculations that simply divide the number of sales in a given period by the number of days. This can cause fast moving and new products to be underestimated for re-order, leading to costly out of stock days.

Predicted Days on Hand

  • How is Predicted Days on Hand calculated?
    • Predicted Days on Hand is the Current Inventory divided by Units Per Day sold.

      Current Inventory / Units Per Day = Predicted Days on Hand

Recommended Restock

  • What differentiates between YES and NO for Recommended Restock?
    • The YES vs NO Restock Recommendation uses historical sales trends, inventory levels, sales by brand and category, and other data points to recommend whether this SKU should continue to have a place on your inventory shelves.
  • What are the reasons why the Restock Recommendation says NO?
    • The product is experiencing a decline in sales velocity or is being commonly replaced by a similar SKU in orders.

Desired Days on Hand

  • What should I put for Desired Days on Hand?
    • Desired Days on Hand is used to calculate how much inventory you will need for a certain period of time. This may differ based on how you order for certain brands or product types.  Set this based on how many weeks of inventory you need for the items you’re ordering.

Lookback Period

  • Why doesn’t the Lookback Period go back more than 90 days?
    • Lookback Periods longer than 30 days are decreasingly accurate for predicting future inventory needs. They can be useful for comparing sales trends, but not for determining how many units to restock for the next few weeks.

Lead Time

  • What is my Lead Time?
    • Lead times should be set based on how long it takes the delivery to arrive at your store from the time of placing the order. This accounts for products continuing to sell while the order makes its way to your store.

Units Needed

  • How is Units Needed calculated?
    • Units Needed is determined by calculating the Units Per Day multiplied by Desired Days on Hand and subtracting the Current Inventory.

      (Units Per Day x Desired Days on Hand) - Current Inventory = Units Needed
    • Units Needed is how many units you need at this current moment in order to meet your set desired days on hand and does not consider lead times.

Units to Order

  • How is Units to Order calculated?
    • Units to Order takes into consideration current stock levels, units sold per day, and your lead time to tell you how many units you need when the delivery arrives.


  • Restock only
    • When toggled on you will only see products that have a recommended restock of YES
  • Active products only
    • When toggled on, you can input the last number of days, i.e. 21, that a product has had some sort of activity – movement between rooms or product sales. This is useful to hide older products that are no longer sold at your store. 
  • Categories
    • The categories filter is determined by our platform based off of product names and descriptions. If you notice a category on a product is incorrect, click view and edit the category on our product details panel.
  • Brands
    • Brand filters are pulled from your POS. Be sure to check for any brand name misspellings and fix them on your POS to keep your data clean. 

Column sorting

Every column (except for store) on Happy buyers can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the header name. Use the store dropdown on the top right of Happy Buyers to view products at the store level.


The search bar on the top rights searches the SKU and Name fields, as well as a Display Name field from the POS if it is configured for your org. 

💡Combining side filters, column sorting and search terms is a powerful and near-instant way to parse your inventory data.


Reach out to your CSM or email success@happycabbage.io for more!