🎨 Customize table

Create a custom layout for your Happy Buyers dashboard

To access the Customize table settings, open the Actions drop down menu on the right side of your screen and select Customize table. From here you can - 

  • Apply alternating row colors
  • Add and remove columns from your view
  • Rearrange the order of the columns




Unique product SKU synced from your POS system for each product


Product name as logged in your POS system

Vendor name

The vendor or distributor for the product 

Brand name

The brand of the product 


Product category as mapped by Happy Buyers; this can be manually adjusted for each product and does not write to your POS system


If recorded in your POS, the strain classification of the product

POS category

The product's category as listed in your POS

POS subcategory 

The product's subcategory as listed in your POS (currently available for Dutchie only)


At which store the product is located (if you're a single location retailer, toggle this off to free up screen space)

Units per day

The units sold per day for any given product


Happy Buyers calculates Units per day from inventory in Sellable inventory rooms only, and also factors in out of stock events (down to the hour) and any applied blockout dates.

Days out of stock

How many days the product was out of stock during your selected Lookback period

Unit cost

The wholesale cost (price you paid) for the product, pulled from the product catalog 

Unit price

The MSRP (price the customer pays) for the product


The product's weight in grams

Current inventory

How much inventory you have in stock in both Sellable and Backstock inventory rooms

Sellable inventory

How much inventory you have in stock in Sellable inventory rooms only

Predicted days on hand

How many forecasted days of supply you have in Current inventory

Sellable days on hand

How many forecasted days of supply you have in Sellable inventory

Continue to carry

Should you continue to carry this product or not based on the performance of this product compared to other like products

Units needed

How many units you will need to meet your set Desired days on hand

Min order qty

The minimum number of units (or case size) you can order for a product

Units to order

How many units you need to order to meet your set Desired days on hand, with consideration to the applied Min order qty and your set Lead time

Last activity

The last date of activity registered for this product in any inventory room


💡 Tip

All columns in Happy Buyers are sortable in ascending or descending order. Click the heading of any column, i.e. Units per day, to sort from high to low or vice versa!